Does smoking increase your chance of being prone to Coronavirus?


Picture of Man Smoking during Coronavirus Incident
Does smoking increase your chance of being prone to Coronavirus

Smoking has never been a healthy or appreciable habit. The combination of tobacco and nicotine has a destructive impact on respiratory health and is one of the most common causes of the much dreaded lung cancer. This is a serious issue of concern regarding the COVID-19 as this disease is known to primarily affect the respiratory system causing mild to severe respiratory damages which could even result in fatality. Smoking is also associated with increased development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) which promotes risk factors like severe infection, non-pulmonary sepsis, or even a blunt trauma.

The journey of betterment takes replacement:

The process of quitting smoking can be a tedious and cumbersome one.  With certain flexible non-nicotine options, even the most hardcore smokers can finally quit this vicious cycle. The likes of vaping are known to cut out the killer cravings that smokers often face while trying to quit smoking.

Vaping definitely is better than smoking and would help to cut down the extreme adversities that are related to the corona virus and their effect on the already degraded respiratory system by the effect of tobacco. Vaping is widely considered to be better for your health and also for the environment than smoking cigarettes. In fact, Public Health England concluded that vaping devices are certainly 95% less harmful than tobacco. If you're new to the world of vaping and are confused, it's always commendable that you begin with the E-cigarette starter Kits. They not only help you to step into a better life that allows quitting smoking but they are also more affordable and provide one with a plethora of options and flavours via the variety provided by the vape liquid UK. With various flavoured liquids doing the rounds, one of the most opted flavours is the Grape flavour liquids.
