A Closer Look at Vaping: is it Really that Safe?


Is Vaping is Safer Than Smoking
A Closer Look at Vaping: is it Really that Safe?

How safe is vaping?
Electronic cigarettes have been designed so that nicotine addicts can dispose of it without being accompanied by the other risks associated with conventional cigarettes: cancer and heart disease, vascular disease, including cerebrovascular disease, mainly. The risk of vaping is significantly lower, some experts say, because the toxic chemicals in electronics are much lower. The Annals of Internal Medicine recently published a study of the saliva, breath and urine of more than 180 volunteers, some who smoked and others who vaped. The carcinogenic products found were far fewer in number, and in smaller quantities, among vapers.

What are the risks of vaping?
Although it has been considered an effective method to quit smoking, e-cigarettes are not entirely harmless, starting with the fact that they contain nicotine, which is far from being a harmless substance. However, the simple fact is that the dangers of vaping are not yet known, especially in the long term. The scientific community is working hard to find out how harmful they are and which components are the ones that really carry risks.

On the other hand, the risk of them becoming a “gateway” drug to smoking is known: it has been found to significantly increase the risk of becoming a smoker.

The verdict
There are two factors to consider. One that for smokers it is an effective tool to quit smoking as is it safer than smoking. And another, that for non-smokers there is a real risk that, by starting to vape, they will end up becoming “traditional” smokers. The final message can be summed up in that they can have positive effects on smokers.

